FAQ for Members

Your verification information is VERY safe with VeriAge. When you use ID verification with us, we only save very limited data from your government issued ID, and that information is encrypted.
We utilize a third party called Stripe (very reputable) to process your biometrics and we never retain your ID image or selfie image.

We only share data with platforms that is needed for them to ensure that you are over the age of 18 years old, and your general jurisdiction. The only data that we share with platforms is: verification status, dob (year only), ID expiration date, country,state/region, and city.
This is what the platform sees when they check your verification status:
"queryresponse": { "currentstatus": "valid", "idexpiresdate": "07-15-2028", "dobyear": "1968", "country": "usa", "stateregion": "nevada", "city": "las vegas" }

As with any company, we must comply with law enforcement subpeonas. That being said, we do not store any data on members other than those fields mentioned above. We do not even store your name as per our privacy statement

No. We have no idea what websites or platforms you view or sign up for. Typically, the platform sends an electronic request through our API to check your age verification at the time that you sign up for that website. That is the end of the interation between us and the platform.

FAQ for Platforms

The Typical API response returns limited data on a member as per our privacy agreement. You can see what is actially returned in an API call by visiting out API Documents

You may include up to 10 root domains max to your Platform account. We have found that this is a very generous limit for most companies. Please note: API requests must come from one of those domains listed.

There is no limit to the API calls that you make for your account. Please note: API calls must come from the domains that have listed/registered with us in your account portal.
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