Register New Member Account

*Required for 2FA and verification
Email Confirmation

Please check your email for the code to enter below. If the email does not arrive right away, please give it a minute or possibly check your spam folder.

Phone Number Confirmation

We have sent a verification code to the phone number that you supplied. Please enter the code below.

Initiate Payment

ID verification for members is a one-time cost of $99. Your verification is valid as long as your ID is valid. Upon ID expiration, you will need to re-verify it for $99 again.

Upon approval of your payment, you will be brought back to this page/tab to continue.

IMPORTANT: At this point, we will only authorize, not charge your payment. After ID verification is complete, we will charge the authorization. If your ID verification fails, the authorization will fall off.

Continue to Payment
Initiate ID Verification

We have successfully authorized your payment

Please start your ID Verification below. After submitting your ID information, you will be brought back here to this tab where you can check the status of your verification.

When the status updates to 'approved', you will be automatically forwarded to the next tab.


We have successfully processed your payment and verified your ID.

Please review our Terms of Service, Privacy Policies , and Refund Policies and agree by typing your name below.

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